Barong and Keris shows were held in several places in Sukawati’s Batubulan Village, Ubud. Tari Barong is a Balinese dance that describes the battle between good (dharma) and evil spirit (adharma). Barong itself is symbolic of goodness with shape like a lion. In Barong dance it tells the story about battle between Barong and Rangda, Rangda is a symbolic of badness with shape like a giant with a big canine.

There are several types of Barong Dance commonly displayed in Bali, including Barong Ket, Barong Bangkal, Barong Macan, Barong Brutuk, and Barong-barongan. However, Barong Ket becomes the most frequent tourist treat because it has quite complete costumes and dances. The specialty of Barong Dance lies in the elements of comedy and mythological elements that shape performance art. Comedy elements are usually tucked in the middle of the show to provoke the laughter of the audience. In the opening round, for example, the ape figure who accompanied Barong made funny moves or bit the opponent’s ears to invite audience laughter.
At a glance, Barong Ket is not much different from Barongsai which is usually performed by Chinese people. It’s just that the story played in this performance is different, that is the story of the battle between Barong and Rangda which is complemented by other figures, such as Kera (Barong’s best friend), Dewi Kunti, Sadewa (Dewi Kunti’s son), and Rangdaโs guards.

Meanwhile, the mythological element lies in the source of the story originating from the pre-Hindu tradition which believes Barong as a mythological animal that is the protector of goodness. The mythological element also appears in the making of Barong costumes which basic ingredients are obtained from wood in places that are considered haunted, such as graves. This mythological element makes Barong sacred by Balinese people. In addition, Barong Dance is also often interspersed with Keris Dance, where the dancers are bravely stabbing keris into their bodies.
Do you feel curious now about what happened next in the story of Barong and Keris Dance? Book our Ubud Tour now because the Barong and Keris Dance are listed on it!